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Event Highlights

     University Fair

On the evening of Tuesday, September 12, 2023, ISF hosted the annual International University Fair in collaboration with SRT Fairs.
Representatives from 23 universities around the world, including Canada, Germany, Italy, Switzerland, the Netherlands, the U.K., the U.S.A., and Spain, joined us to provide invaluable advice and guidance, as well as information on courses, facilities, entry requirements, and fees to over 200 enthusiastic parents and students.
Thank you to all who attended and made this event a resounding success! Stay tuned for more exciting opportunities in the future.

     SLO® Bonding Trip 
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After spending multiple free periods and lunch breaks working on the Bonding Event, it was finally the time. Thanks to everyone who helped out in the weeks leading up to Friday, September 22, the event exceeded our expectations. We had over 1300 students sign up for this event, a great increase from last year. It started off with the Wellness Department which provided each and every participant with brownies, fruit,  and some healthy refreshments. With everyone in high spirits, we started our time together with icebreakers.  Human Bingo gave the middle school students a chance to socialize with the high schoolers and everyone learned a little bit about each other. After the large group activities, the SLO® Departments conducted an activity relating to their department’s cause. Some of the activities included Trivia, an Up-cycling Contest, and Three-legged Race. As we were finishing off, thunder sent us inside. Once everyone helped clean up, it was time for pizza. Before the Middle Schoolers left, we had a quick game of dodgeball, followed by an awards ceremony. 

After establishing the rules for the night, and making sure that the rain stopped, we began with a HS Hide and Seek. Our seekers very quickly took the lead, and even the darkness couldn’t stop them. At 22:30, everyone was ready for some sports. Everyone had a great time, either playing games in the gym or swimming. The most awaited time had come, the time for a treasure hunt. After carefully placing each and every clue, each team went around the school, desperately trying to get to the end. Each team had clues in different languages, such as Turkish, Finnish, and Swedish, which made it even more exciting. Following the treasure hunt, some went to bed while the others stayed back in the gym to showcase their karaoke skills. Taylor Swift had the entire crowd singing at 3:00 a.m., but soon enough it was time for a movie or a board game marathon. Time flew by and before we knew it, the sun had risen. Everyone had a quick breakfast and people started to head home. By 8:30 a.m., everyone had left and the bonding trip was officially over! Thank you again to everyone who took part, to the chaperones for spending their Friday night with us, and to everyone who helped organize this event. We hope to see you soon at our next event!

Tripti Rai (Activities Department Deputy Prefect ) and Aaryan Kandala (Head Prefect)

    Exciting Prospects for Future Cooperation with the Chinese Consulate
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On September 22, our School Director, Mr. Cox, accompanied by his wife, attended the Chinese Consulate event to warmly welcome the new Consul General, Mr. Huang Yiyang. During this gathering, we had a fruitful discussion about future cooperation. Mr. Huang's insights and aspirations have opened the door to exciting opportunities for cultural exchange and collaboration.

We are genuinely thrilled about the future cooperation with the Chinese Consulate. Our commitment remains unwavering to support and enrich our vibrant ISF community.

     All the Best to Ms. Jarque

Dear Cristina,

As we bid farewell to someone who has been an integral part of our ISF family for an astonishing 23 years, it's impossible to put into words the depth of gratitude and admiration we feel for you. Your journey with ISF has been nothing short of remarkable, filled with dedication, growth, and a multitude of roles that have left an indelible mark on our organization.

Throughout your tenure, you have worn many hats and handled every challenge that came your way with grace, resilience, and unwavering commitment. Your versatility and adaptability have been a testament to your exceptional skills and work ethic.

As you embark on this new chapter of your life, please know that your absence will leave a void that cannot be easily filled. The memories we've shared, the knowledge you've imparted, and the camaraderie we've enjoyed will be cherished forever.

The ISF family will always be here to support and celebrate your successes. May your future endeavors be as rewarding and fulfilling as your time with us has been.

Thank you for 23 incredible years of dedication, hard work, and friendship. You are truly irreplaceable, and your legacy at ISF will endure.

Wishing you all the best in this exciting new chapter of your life.

Warmest regards,

ISF community 

     Chuseok Celebration
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Chuseok is one of the biggest holidays in Korea. We celebrate the day to give thanks to our ancestors for the autumn harvest. On Chuseok Day, the family gathers together to share food, play games, and pray for a bountiful year. Chuseok is celebrated on the 15th day of the 8th month according to the lunar calendar. Most Chuseok Days are typically celebrated in September or October. This year, we celebrated Chuseok on the 29th of September with all the ISF community as we prepared traditional Korean games and costumes to enjoy together!

    Music Department

The Primary School has been working on a couple of canons. These songs are sung in a round and help create a sense of independence as there are 3 parts going on at the same time. Grades 1 and 2 are singing using note names, numbers and solfeg, even playing boomwhackers at the same time! Grades 3 and 4 are playing the ukulele and often singing. Layering new skills on top of past experiences is a great way to help new students develop skills while giving experienced students opportunities to apply their skills in new ways. The ability to be able to match the highs and lows in music with a singing voice is very important before the end of the 4th grade year. There is a new Youtube playlist used in class each week. They give students the opportunity to practice, catch up or share what they learn at home. Soon we hope to start learning our music for the winter concert. The Primary Winter Concert will be on December 7. We hope many parents will be able to attend. There is a part of our singing warm up when we sing … “Music class is always very fun.” It is always a hit. I image your children can sing it to you if you ask. 

Middle School

The various middle school music classes have been reviewing the fundamentals of music. This time at the start of the year gives new and returning students to clearly understand the musical culture we are working to cultivate here at ISF. Understanding music is just as important as making sure they are able to perform music. This next month they will start preparing for the winter concert on December 19. We hope many parents will be able to join us for this exciting event.

Read the Latest News & Updates from KG &PS Section

Parent Network


Welcome Back from the Parent Network

As we settle into a new year, the ISF Parent Network welcomes both new and returning families! As a registered German Verein and the official parent organization of ISF, we strive to serve as a bridge between school and home.

What does the Parent Network do, and should I join?

The Parent Network coordinates activities for students, parents, families, and ISF faculty. Here are a handful of examples to give you an idea of why you should join the ISF Parent Network! For our students, the PN organizes holiday parties and treats decorates campus for seasons and holidays, runs a school supplies shop and student recognition program, supports the preschool, grade 4, and grade 12 graduations, and sponsors cultural celebrations that delight and educate.

For parents, we host a monthly parent Morning Mingle and social events like workouts and day trips. Last year we held our first Flohmarkt (flea market) where parents set up booths and sold their unwanted items. For families, we offer weekend meet-ups and our annual international food festival called “Taste of the World.”

We hope you will join the Parent Network to see more of what we are about! Membership is free; just fill out and return our one-page application which can be found on the ISF Parent Page:

 Please Join our WhatsApp Community

This year, our Parent Network moderated WhatsApp groups have transitioned to a WhatsApp “Community.” There are some wonderful benefits of this change, as now you can see all of the available groups using just one join link. Our Community has an announcement group for information relevant to everyone and continues to offer a chat group for each grade level. There are other groups to choose from as well, such as our Dance Group, PN Volunteers, Champions Club (parents supporting the Sports Academy) and more. We will continue to add groups based on your interests and recommendations.



Open your WhatsApp camera and capture the QR code here to begin. Next, review the groups listed and click the “Request to Join” button on any group you are interested in joining, such as the chat for your child’s class or grade level
