Grade 1 Trip to Frankfurt Zoo
On Friday, May 19, Grade 1 spent a wonderful day at Frankfurt Zoo! The children were so excited to ride on the bus with classmates and teachers, and travel to a “green oasis” in the middle of downtown Frankfurt.
Frankfurt Zoo has over 4,500 animals and about 500 species. Walking with their homeroom groups the children enjoyed all the features the zoo had to offer. They visited the swimming seals and exotic fishes at the Water World and Aquarium. They loved the gangly giraffes and surprisingly many of the reptiles like lizards and snakes. Other animals seen were rhinos, zebras, and of course monkeys and apes which are always popular.
After a few hours of exploring, the children met at a central area and enjoyed a picnic lunch and time to run around and play on the playground. It was a happy day enjoyed by the children, teachers, and parent chaperones. Everyone said they looked forward to more school trips in the future.
Grade 2 Trip to Frankfurt Zoo
Our Grade 2 visited Frankfurt Zoo! The children loved the amazing trip which was fun as well as educationally enriching, as the kids could practice and recognize the names of the animals they are learning in the school these days. They loved the petting zoo the most.
Grade 3 Trip to Palmgarten Frankfurt
Grade 3 students embarked on an exciting field trip to the Palmengarten. The trip was an opportunity to explore the fascinating world of insects and plants. The students marveled at the buzzing bees and graceful butterflies. To add an element of excitement, the teachers organized a scavenger hunt for the students as they strolled through the park to foster teamwork and problem-solving skills among the students.
Grade 4 Trip to Palmgarten Frankfurt
Grade 4C loved exploring the Palmengarten and seeing their learning come to life. It was so fun to see turtles, which we had read about last month. We also got to learn more about pollination and the plant life cycle, which we studied at the beginning of the year. We especially loved the butterfly house and seeing plants from around the world!
Social Studies Project
Grade 3
The goal of this project is to create a 3D model or a poster with clear labels about an Ancient Egypt topic of the students' choice. The children will need to give an oral presentation of their model or poster to their classmates. The topic they could choose from were the following:
Topics for the Project and Presentation
Grade 4
The goal of this project is to create a 3D model or a poster with clear labels about a topic of their choice based on what they had learned regarding the Middle Ages. Once finished the students were to give oral presentations of their project to their classmates. The children could choose one from the following topics:
Topics for the Project and Presentations
Musical Summer Showcase