Dear Kindergarten and Preschool Parents,
Please see below a glimpse of May in KG-PS.


Science, we believe is one of the favorite subjects for our preschoolers. The reason is that they just don’t read the books while learning science. They get hands-on experience with all the fun parts. This month the preschoolers loved planting their own plants and learned all about how seeds grow. It was such an awesome experience for them. We could see how eager they were to see their seeds sprout. Please be ready to hear all about the beans etc when it is harvest time. Thank you, teachers, for the awesome experience. We are sure the little ones thoroughly enjoy it.

     CAS Student Visited KG-PS!

Our CAS student Vanya Chugh-Grade 11 visited KG-PS and did a very interactive and wonderful session. Please see below what Vanya has to say about her experience. We hope the little ones enjoyed the session too.

Layers of soil- edible hands-on activity (by Vanya Chugh G11): This was an engaging educational activity for kindergarten students where students learned about different layers of soil using all the edible stuff and ate it all later.  To make the activity interactive and memorable, I used edible materials like crushed cookies and green-colored desiccated coconut representing grass for the top layer (representing organic matter) with gummy worms and chocolate ladybugs representing living beings, chocolate pudding for the subsoil layer, and chocolate chips for the bedrock layer. By assembling these layers in clear plastic cups, the children could see and understand the concept of soil composition in a fun way. This project not only educated them about their environment but also created a sense of curiosity and exploration. Since only half of the kindergarten students got an opportunity to learn about it on May 8, I will be offering it to the other half of the students on May 29 as well.

    Japanese Children's Day!

At ISF we celebrate diversity. As part of our cultural celebrations, the Japanese community decided to celebrate their Children’s Day with us. We had a fun session of Origami, coloring, etc. Please look at the pictures to see how our KG-PS friends celebrated this wonderful event.

     Preschool Visits Grade 1!

It is the time of the year, when we see our little ones who walked through our doors two years ago not ready to leave their parents, all ready and set to become big girls and boys and walk out of the same doors and venture into the world of Primary school. As much as we are happy to see them turn into confident students, we are sad to see them go. It has been always a tradition at ISF that the Preschool students get to visit the Grade 1 class and learn all about how their academic life is going to be next academic year. We had a group of totally excited and thrilled kids who were happy to learn that they would finally have access to the main playground. At the same time, they were so happy to see where their classroom would be next academic year. Ms. Jarque, the primary coordinator took the little ones around the primary department and classrooms. We at KG-PS are so proud of what our little ones have achieved and we wish them the very best for the future.