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Note from the Director

Dear Parents and Guardians,

I am delighted to begin this month's letter by expressing my appreciation for all of you. At ISF, we know that raising a child takes a village, and you are an important part of the ISF village. Your active engagement enhances the educational experience for every student and helps put them on the path to success.
This past month has been bustling with activity and achievements, and I am excited to share these updates with you.

Event Highlights

The combination of Open House and Sommerfest brought many families to our campus on Saturday, May 25, 2024.

Open House at our school was a vibrant and engaging event, facilitated by well-prepared students who took on the role of tour guides. Mr. Kelley from Admissions provided helpful sheets containing key information about the school, which the students found very useful. The students enjoyed the opportunity to share their personal experiences and insights about the school, adding a personal touch to the tours. One student highlighted the joy of connecting with a family and sharing a cultural bond that enhanced the experience. The overall atmosphere was welcoming, open, and filled with joy, making it a memorable event for all involved.

Following the Open House, the Sommerfest took center stage, marked by a lively and cooperative atmosphere. SLO® students welcomed families at the gate with shirts and a giveaway gift. The opening program featured spectacular SA dance and gymnastics performances on the field, captivating the audience and setting a festive tone. Students could then participate in sports, Kenya project activities, face painting, and painting the bulldogs to name a few offerings. The ISF library book fair also sold many books to avid readers for a good cause. As part of the festivities, Parent Network's Taste of the World offered a variety of delicious offerings, allowing people to enjoy diverse culinary delights.

The Business students and senior committee's booths featured a variety of items including treats, temporary tattoos, and homemade lemonade, which attracted many visitors. The preparation of these booths turned into a fun and memorable activity for the students. Let's not forget the fun bouncy castle and firetruck, a highlight throughout the event.

The sunny weather complemented the cheerful mood, and everyone worked together seamlessly, making the day enjoyable for both the helpers and the visitors. The open and fun atmosphere contributed to the overall success of the event, as everyone relished the opportunity to be part of the school community's celebrations.

The day concluded in the theater with a performance from our String orchestra, the SLO® Handover, and a Talent Show. Seeing all of the students on stage showcasing their diverse talents, brought the day to a spectacular end. This final event encapsulated the spirit of the day, highlighting the creativity and enthusiasm of the school community. It was a perfect end to a day filled with memorable activities and joyful interactions.

- Mirabell Ivie Matthews, Gr11 - SLO® Outreach Prefect

     Beauty and the Beast Jr.

ISF Drama Club’s 2024 production of “Beauty and the Beast Jr.” was a HUGE success! I am so very proud of the cast, crew, staff, and parent volunteers who made this a fabulous show. Some of the challenges of production for students are understanding commitment, dedication, and time management. It is always a wonderful moment to watch the students after the curtain closes on a successful performance- their emotions are pure and all-consuming. The joy of success due to hard work towards a goal and being a part of something bigger than yourself is an amazing experience!

Thank you to ISF staff and parents for helping to create a space where students are encouraged to be all they can be. Thank you to my dedicated and wonderful colleagues: Hailey Forsyth, Mark Ullius, Mariebelle Harb, and Shane McDaniel. Thank you to Milena Bamberg (G9) as our Stage Manager and her backstage crew! We would like to give a very special thank you to Kara Gensert, Kathryn Meador, and Destiny Layne for helping make our sets and costumes so magical- we could not have done this without you! Thank you to my outstanding Drama CAS Team: Karlotta Steinmetz (G11) and Sunaynaa Iniyar (G11), to Aaron Huysmans for building set pieces and props, to Claas Kreuz for helping with our new mics on stage and sounding good, and finally to Angela Shi with marketing and Adrienne Hannon for help behind the scenes.

We are looking for parent volunteers for our show, so if you are interested in next year’s show, The Little Mermaid Jr., please contact Ms. O’Sullivan It has been a fun and fantastic school year! Thank you for the memories, Drama Club!

- Ms. O’Sullivan


Drama Field Trip 2024 – Much Ado About Nothing

This year was the Drama Club’s first field trip! We ventured out into the world to see a professional production- the premier of Shakespeare Frankfurt’s “Much Ado About Nothing.” This is a “promenade production” held in the Palmentgarten’s Botanical Garten. A former Drama Club member and ISF 2024 senior, Sarah Jane Williams, played the role of Hero. This year’s Drama Club members really enjoyed seeing the show and were inspired by Ms. Williams’ performance.

     Field Trip

Learning and Bonding Beyond the Classroom.

In May, our school kicked off a series of exciting field trips for all grades, combining education and fun in a fresh, engaging way. These trips offer students the chance to learn outside the classroom, bringing textbook concepts to life and fostering stronger bonds among peers.

Feedback has been overwhelmingly positive, with students and teachers alike appreciating the blend of learning and social interaction. These trips have not only enriched our students' educational experiences but also strengthened their friendships.

We look forward to more such adventures, knowing that the best learning and bonding often happen outside the classroom walls. Thank you for supporting these invaluable experiences for our students.

    SLO® Handover

The SLO® Team for the next school year, 2024-25 has been selected! After multiple interviews with potential candidates for the Head Prefect, this was the first position to be filled. Shaurya Baliga, will be leading the SLO® leadership team as the Head Prefect. Mrs. Hannon and he then conducted interviews with the nominees for the 8 Department Heads. During this time, they learned more about the candidates and their goals as students and leaders. After reviewing the applications, interviews, plus staff references, a team has been formed. It was at Sommerfest last Saturday, that the ISF Community had a first glance at the Leadership team for next school year at the annual SLO® Handover.

While this is a bittersweet moment for my team and me, I am incredibly grateful that I got the opportunity to be this year’s Head Prefect. This last year was filled with memories that we will cherish for the years to come. And this is something that I wish for next year’s team.

- Aaryan Kandala

    Staff Appreciation

Earlier this month, our wonderful Parent Network organized a special appreciation luncheon and raffle to honor our hardworking teachers and staff. The luncheon was a heartwarming gathering, filled with delicious food, laughter, and meaningful conversations. providing a well-deserved moment of relaxation and enjoyment. The raffle added an extra layer of excitement, featuring a range of delightful prizes generously donated by our PN community members.

We are deeply grateful to our Parent Network for their ongoing support and for creating such a thoughtful and memorable event. Their efforts not only uplift the spirits of our teachers and staff but also strengthen the sense of community within our school.

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