
Join us for coffee with academic leadership and
walk the campus on a student-led tour

Welcome to The International School of Minnesota (ISM)! We are a top-rated private, college preparatory school, offering Preschool - Grade 12. With 135+ years of educational experience and a legacy of leadership development and academic excellence, ISM delivers a high-value, global education that prepares students to meet the challenges of a changing world. Our curriculum is designed to ensure academic and personal success with smooth transitions between grade levels.

Why are we rated the #1 Private School in Minnesota? We'll give you a teaser in the video below, but it's best if you see it for yourself!

We'd love to show you what life at ISM looks like!
Please arrive by 8:30 a.m. to enjoy coffee and pastries while getting to know our
school director and academic leaders. You will then receive a student-led tour while
school is in action, and have the opportunity to meet with current ISM parents.
