Dear Kindergarten and Preschool Parents,
Please see below a glimpse of Oct in KG-PS.

    Photo time!

Every year we have the school photographer who comes and takes lovely pictures of our little ones. These photos then become part of our School Yearbook. Our Kindergarten and preschool students were all excited to get their photos taken. They also got to get their group photos taken. Kindly note that all students' photos are ready to view and purchase, please view the link that has been posted to the SABIS® Digital Platform.

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After all the learning and creations, we need some playtime too. The Kindergarteners and Preschoolers love their free time.As the weather was turning cold they had some free time in their classes. They have their own games, which they love to play with their friends. We saw train tracks being build. It was so much fun.

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As we have mentioned earlier, Experimental Learning is a very important part of our Kindergarten education. This week the children learned all about the liquids. And what happens when you pour liquids over the solids. How they react? Do they dissolve quickly or not all. And to get hands-on experience doing that is so much fun.

    German Time

The German groups had fun this month as along with learning that prepared themselves to invite Autumn. You will be thrilled to see their awesome artwork that the little ones created. Where one group had Art session the other group had a singing session. The students learned German through the song Körper blues. What a wonderful way to teach the children German Vocabulary and pronunciations.


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    P.E. Session

We have our regular PE sessions for our Kindergarten as well as Preschool children. They love going to the gym and exercising. They also get to try out some fun games as well. We are sure you have some excited little ones about these PE sessions.

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    Happy Halloween

The Halloween party at KG/PS was a huge success. We saw some awesome Superheroes, witches, fairies and princesses. The rooms in KG-PS were set for various activities and the students visited each of the activity rooms with their homeroom teachers. There was dance, music, and some fun activities. And of course the little ones got a bag of candies too. Halloween is always a much awaited party for the little ones. We thank the Parent network for all their help and support in organizing the wonderful event.
