Dear Kindergarten and Preschool Parents,
Please see below a glimpse of January in KG-PS.

    We Had Snow!

The snow finally arrived! The New Year came with snow and very cold weather. With the severe weather, ISF had to close down for a day for the safety of the students, never the less, the little ones were welcomed back with a beautiful snowy morning.  We understand that all of you as parents might have wondered about the drive to and from school but the little ones were so excited to be in school as they got to play in the snow and loved every minute of it. We saw some snowmen being created and some little snow fights as well. We hope you all had a lovely time in the snow despite the accompanying freezing weather.

    German Regular!

Our German regular students had a fun time revising. They revised the alphabet in German. They worked on a topic and did some coloring as well. After revising the alphabet, children were allowed to choose a game they would like to share and play with their friends such as Dominoes. The little ones enjoyed their time drawing together or playing the games that they had chosen.

   Art session!

Art is a very important session in our curriculum. We have art sessions in our KG-PS regularly. This month saw some awesome creations. The German foreign students were given some Carneval themed pictures to color and they brought out some of best artwork. On the other hand our preschoolers were given the theme on Northern Lights and you would be amazed to see their creations. Please see the pictures to see what our budding artists had to offer. 

   PE sessions!

Another very exciting part of our curriculum are the PE sessions. We understand that  children require a bit of exercising as well. The little ones truly live these sessions as they get to go to the big playground when it is warm outside or to the big gym during winters. The PE teachers try their best to engage the little ones as much as possible by planning each weekly session. One of the sessions this month had the children have fun with Hula hoops. We are sure you have already heard about the wonderful and exciting PE session. Please see the pictures to see their excitement.