Dear Kindergarten and Preschool Parents,
Please see below a glimpse of March in KG-PS.

Easter Bunny Visited our KG & PS!

Our Easter Bunny visited our Kindergarten and Preschool today. He came to our School leaving many salad leaves on the floor in all the rooms. What a mess he did! But he was so busy hiding all the surprises for the three groups. KG, PSA and PSB children who were so thrilled to see all the colored eggs, candies and chocolate bunnies he had left for them! What a big surprise! Children had a wonderful time preparing their beautiful baskets for this event! And they also prepared songs such as: “ Komm bitte komm, Osterhase komm” or “Der Hasentanz”. We could see so many happy and smiling faces!


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Our lovely preschool friends had an exciting time with the English classes this month. Phonics was fun. The little students got to go up in the front and mark the answers like their teachers do. That was all the more exciting to them.

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P.E. Session

We have our regular P.E. sessions for our Kindergarten as well as Preschool children. They love going to the gym and exercising. They also get to try out some fun games as well. We are sure you have some excited little ones ready to go to school just because they have P.E. that day. 


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SLO® Art & Craft Activity

Ms. Thiele and Ms. Wilkie conducted an afterschool Art & Craft activity. Last month we brought you the lovely pictures of the penguin family. But this month it was all about finger painting. And what did they create? Peacocks!! Please check out the pictures to see their lovely artistic work. We look forward to having this activity again next academic year. Thank you Ms. Wilkie and Ms. Thiele.

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Science, we believe is one of the favorite subjects for our preschoolers. The reason being that they just don’t read the books while learning science. They get hands on experience about all the fun part. This month the preschoolers loved planting their own plants and learned all about the how seeds grow. It was such an awesome experience for them. We could see how eager they were to see their seeds sprout. Please be ready to hear all about the beans and more when it is harvest time. Thank you teachers for the awesome experience. We are sure the little ones thoroughly enjoyed it.

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St. Patrick's Day!!

The Kindergarten and preschool students celebrated St. Patrick's day in their own way. Some of them were dressed up in the color green. They had some fun activities to do in their classrooms. Hope they enjoyed the celebrations just as much as the teachers enjoyed celebrating with them.

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Our German regular students had a wonderful session learning about friendship. They got to create the friendship tree where they put in the names of all their friends. Please see the beautiful pictures of their creations. They were so excited to write the names of their friends on the leaves and add them to the branch of the friendship tree.         


Hygiene Suitcase!

This month the preschoolers had a wonderful surprise. They were able to work with the Hygiene Suitcase. The students were asked to put their hands in the suitcase to see what their hands looked like i.e. If they had germs on their hands. Then the students were supposed to go wash their hands nicely with soap. They would then come back and put their hands back in the suitcase to see how clean their hands were after washing them. The experiment was to encourage the students and teach them the importance of washing hands and keeping them clean. Thank you teachers for this wonderful learning experience.

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First Aid Course

Our KG & PS Team receives First Aid Training once every two years. This time we revised many known concepts again and learned so many new things while having fun exercising CPR on dolls.

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