Dear Kindergarten and Preschool Parents,
Please see below a glimpse of April in KG-PS.

    German Sessions!

German sessions are exciting for the little ones. They get to learn so many different things but in a fun way. Sometimes they read a book or create something new and sometimes they get to sing and dance. The teachers try to make each session exciting and fun. If you heard your kid sing the below song, you should know that this song was taught to the students in the German regular group who must have then taught the others the same song.

Schmetterling du kleines Ding,
Such dir eine Tänzerin!
Juchheirassa, juchheirassa,
Oh, wie lustig tanzt man da…

     Swimming Time!

There's nothing quite like the joy of swimming, and our little ones are making waves in their lessons. Swimming is not only a life skill but also a fantastic way for children to boost their confidence, improve coordination, and have loads of fun. We'll continue to keep you updated with all the splash moments from our swimming classes.

     Outdoor Fun!

Our little students were given an opportunity to have fun outdoors whenever the weather permitted. This time it was not playtime but something much more fun. They were given a card with some pictures on it and they were asked to find the items in the playground. Some were excited to find the ladybird whereas some tried to find the butterflies and leaves etc. We are sure they thoroughly enjoyed the session.

     Learning is Fun!

Understanding and writing numbers is foundational for future math success, and we are so proud of the progress they are making. Each day brings new achievements as they improve their skills, and it's clear that these early experiences are building a strong base for their continued learning. Along with all the fun with friends, our little preschoolers learn some counting as well. In their Math session, they counted different objects that were part of their Maths Workbook. We are sure you have seen our budding mathematicians count things at home too. They love to count. It may be their crayons or their toys, they have so much fun.

   SLO® Activity!

The Little ones love the after-school activities. This Term they are enjoying an afterschool activity called the Little Explorer. In this activity, the little participants get to go exploring through their playground looking for something special and fun. They are given a magnifying glass to help them see things more clearly. We are sure they are very excited to wear their special vests and go exploring.

   Art Work!

Art time is one of the most fun times the little ones have. They get to wear their lovely art time coats and get to try their hands on Art. This time they were given watercolours to create with. They thoroughly enjoyed the sessions. We are always happy and surprised at the same time to see them use vibrant colours in such a beautiful way. One of the classes got creative by drawing and colouring all about what they did in their Spring break.